Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Year Greetings 2008

Date/Time: 31st December 2007

To/From: RADITA 11:34:35 am
Neither fancy gift nor beautiful word that I present 2U,Just a plain "Happy Nu Year" along with a wish that U'll always find happines for years 2come. Radita TT (陈宥达)

To/From: ARIF 3:30:44 pm
Before 2007 is over,
Before I start a new beginning..
I wanna sorry 4 everything I've done wrong..
From deepest of my heart..
Happy New Year 08. Arief S n Fam

To/From: Machmud Jerry 6:19:46 pm
selamat tahun baru 2008 semoga bahagia sekeluarga banyak rezeki sukses selalu machmud club deluxesekeluarga

To/From: LEONARD (iwan) 6:46:41 pm
Year 2007 is almost passed, we greatly thankful for all you have done to us on all the trusts, efforts, time, and friendship. Wish you a very wonderful new year. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008. Warmest regards, Leonard and families

To/From: +628111776498 10:21:16 pm
Wishing u,not juz smiles,but langhters, not juz joys,but happiness,not juz riches,but wealth,not juz peace,but serenity,'HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008'Gbu n ur budi & fam

To/From: st 12:03:51 am
Bos... Selamat tahun baru 2008 semoga tambah sukses

Date/Time: 1st January 2008
To/From: RANDY 12:31:40 am
01/01 00:00:08
No Urut 010108
Rp. 80,000,000.00
Ref 0001012009
Ini buat Hadiah Taon Baru He.He.He..
"Happy New Year 2008" /RANDY &kel

To/From: LEONARD (iwan) 6:27:09 am
Thank you for the Trust that U guys have given me. Hoping that this Year brings the things that you'd like the best, and that the year to follow is among your most auspicious!
'HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008' (indra & family)

To/From: Machmud Jerry 6:27:30 am
Kearifan datang dari keheningan. Lihat dan dengar saja... biar keheningan yang menjadi pembimbing.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008 - indra&keluarga

To/From: st 6:27:49 am
Jika sumber kebahagiaan/kesedihan masih dari luar, itu tandanya seseorang belum menjadi master, masih jadi budak!
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008

To/From: FERRY 6:30:16 am
Year 2007 had passed, I greatly thankful for the trusts, efforts & friendship. Wish you a very wonderful prosperous new year.
Warmest regards - indra&family

To/From: RUDY (iwan) 7:37:46 am
A New Start
A New Beginning
A New Chapter
A New Year
Forget the Bad
Cherish the Good
"Happy New Year 2008" May God Bless U" Rudy & Family

To/From: CLARA 10:24:19 am
Thanks for the greeting! Happy New Year too to u and ur family!

To/From: AGUS batam 12:27:58 pm
As the new year dawns, May it bring the beginning of new hopes, heart be filled with smiles, and Your days be warm with togetherness. Happy New Year 2008.

To/From: CANDRA1 12:51:43 pm
A New Start
A New Beginning
A New Chapter
A New Year
Forget the Bad
Cherish the Good
"Happy New Year 2008" May God Bless U" Indra & Family

To/From: inge (mbing) 4:10:51 pm

To/From: LILI 9:36:12 pm
... Cinta
... Kebahagiaan
... Kasih sayang
... Persaudaraan &
... Persahabatan tumbuh dr

+ HATI yg +
"+.Tulus .+"
"+.+" MET TAHUN BARU, Murah Rejeki, Sehat & Sukses selalu dlm menapak hari2 ke depan. Dalam lindungan dan kasih Nya.

To/From: KAGWAN (charles) 8:58:56 pm
Selmt Tahun Baru 2008... Smg akn mndptkn yg lebih & lebih lg dlm karir, karya, kebahagiaan, dan kesehatan, wish U all the best.

To/From: KAGWAN (charles) 6:31:10 am
Kearifan datang dari keheningan. Lihat dan dengar saja... biar keheningan yang menjadi pembimbing.
Selamat Tahun Baru

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